HRV ventilation filter timers are they correct
HRV filter timers are just that, a timer so it relies on the filter timer being re-set when the filter is changed or it will indicate it's time to change the filter again before its ready.
Many people think the HRV filter timer's can measure how full the filter is but this is not true. The timer has no sensory system that measures air flow pressure or how much load the filter has. It's 24 mth on pre 2014 timers & 18mths on post 2014 & people are being told 12mths on HRV light even though it's the same fan & filter.
The deep pleat filter should be good for 48mths + unless you live in an area that has heaver than usual commercial activity that puts excessive VOC's & material into the air.
www.supercell.co.nz has a full range of HRV filters for your next HRV filter change that are the best price & the best quality using global filter media standard ASHRAE 52.2.1992 filter class EN779.