summers coming get ready & clean those air conditioners & Heat pumps
Summers coming but you heat pumps & AC is going to be really dirty & in need of so TLC,
Supercell.co.nz has the answer with our" DIY home heat pump & Air Conditioner cleaner".
It's a ready to use trigger bottle that can target the areas where you need it without waste, It will Killing bacteria germs & virus not to mention VOC's & stop any nasty smells from cooking, body odour, animal smells & danda.
It's specially formulated from commercial quality products we make for the PROs that safe for the home or office.
It cleans & sanitises filters casings coils indoor & out.
It will keep you System efficient healthy and allow it to get the job done.
Remember a dirty system when running is like a mini towing a Truck trailer meaning it's struggling using excess energy & not getting the job done, not to mention probably killing itself.
Get it delivered to your door or pop on down to Bunnings for your DIY HOME HEAT PUMP AIRCONDITIONER CLEANER/DISINFECTANT