Insulation For winter
Lets not beat around the bush or in this case the roof cavity, insulation is GOOD or better than not having insulation.
Insulation has two important qualities to look out for:
- Loft (how boofy/how high it sits or if you're a bit flash, Volume)
- Density (how much material it has i.e.Donald Trumps hair
- The big thing is how much air you trap within the material as air is the big insulator. This is why it is super important to use a product that will keep it's boofyness as long as possible because all insulation will go from Jim to Trump over time.
What kind of insulation should you use.
Glass wool will last from 10 to 20 years before it gets Trumped or loses it's Jim or boofyness.
There is very cheap glass wool product avalaible that no one really knows how well it will last so don't let price be your main factor as you might end up spending that money again in 5 or 10 years time. Ask questions and insist on guaranties, remember NZ makes the best glass wool here.
Realwool insulation is the Bentley of insulation, it has the Jim factor "down" (Boofyness)
It's made of real wool and bonded together with Polyester strands so no resins are used unlike glass wool.
Its super easy to install as it comes in easy to handle rolls in the pack.
It has a 50 year guarantee and doesn't make you itchy so it's easy to DIY.
Polyester Insulation is the Hilux of insulation. It's got the Jim factor "goin on"(Boofyness) and is robust and reliable
It's tuff reliable and super easy to install as it comes in easy to handle rolls and doesn't make you itchy so again great for DIY.
Supercell can supply Polyester & Realwool for ceiling and underfloor at a similar price to glass wool.
Both Realwool and the Polyester are recycled products so they are great for the environment and not hazardous to your health. Also both Realwool and Polyester Handle water without getting Trumped unlike glasswool.
Last on the list. How do I measure what I need?
Always measure the external area of your house, the outside walls around the house or you will come up short, If your using an installer it's a good way to audit how much product has been used, if it's doesn't match ask questions and check the work.
A good operator will have no problem explaining his/her work. If they get feral then look harder as they have something to hide.
Check out our insulation selection by clicking this link: