How to protect your investment property
Everyone has to insulate and provide heating into rentals or face $4000 fine if they don't comply.
Many landlords are faced with the prospect of tenants who don't open windows, cook foods that leave odours or smoke inside all of which leads to repairs.
Insulation will improve the ability to heat a home but at the same time trap in moisture & smells which will lead to damage from rampant mould, rott in windows from condensation/moisture damage. Carpets & finishings will ware 10 times faster meaning expensive replacements.
There is an answer, Super vent ventilation will keep moisture and odurs under control as it manages the house with dry air all day every day.
Think of it as if you hang your home inside out on the clothes line on a nice day every day.
It will save you thousands and keep your tenants happy and the home will heat easer meaning cheaper electrical bills.